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RLC Blog
Don’t Stick Your Tongue Out

--Taylor Stichler, October 1, 2021. It’s officially October and that means our kids have been in school for a little over a month now. We have been incredibly blessed to have Charlotte, our daughter, enrolled at Trinity in full day preschool! It’s amazing what kids can learn and pick up so quickly at this age when they start school. We’ve also noticed how quickly Charlotte has picked up a few habits that aren’t so great. Charlotte recently has come home and learned how to stick her tongue out ...
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Finding Rest

Today's video post comes from Pastor Caleb, on location at the Pastors' Conference in Cannon Beach. Please forgive the wind noise--we've added captions to make up for it!
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The Great School of Prayer

Day 7 of our Red Letter Challenge asked us to focus upon the discipline of prayer as a means of “being” with God. This is a delightful discipline to exercise, for it means we take the time each day to talk to our Heavenly Father! What could be better?!
And yet, I know that many of us struggle with how we should pray. What words do we use? What is proper to ask of God? Does he care about my feelings and my worries? Do I mention to Him that I am overwhelmed—or does that mean I don’t have eno...
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RLC Sermon Week Two
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Taylor Joins a Gym

--Taylor Stichler, September 24, 2021 I recently joined a gym. I know, pretty scary thought. Me on an elliptical is not something I really want to picture, so I apologize for even bringing it up! I joined this gym because it is only ten dollars a month and I would at least like to attempt living a more active lifestyle. However, I’ve learned that paying for the gym membership is only part of the process. You have to actually go to the gym to reap any of the rewards! Who would have thought? It ...
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The Example of David

--Pastor Caleb Adams, September 22, 2021. In my daily Bible reading plan, I’m currently in 1 Chronicles. The book starts off a little slowly, with genealogy after genealogy for chapter after chapter. But in chapter 10 the action begins with the death of Saul and his sons in a battle against the Philistines. In chapter 11, David is anointed king and we’re off to the races.
This time through these opening chapters, what stood out to me the most was the stark difference between David and...
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RLC Sermon Week One
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Welcome to the RLC Blog!

Dear friends, welcome to the blog for the Red Letter Challenge at Trinity! As we begin our first week of the challenge, we are beginning to do our daily readings, starting to gather in our small groups, and holding devotions with our families. As part of this journey together, Pastor Caleb, Taylor Stichler and I will be sharing some of our thoughts each week. You can look forward to Pastor's thoughts on Thursdays and Taylor's on Saturdays. Sometimes they will be in written form and sometimes de...
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